Friday, May 3, 2013

Magic Miroor kaboom

By: Rajesh Maharjan On: 9:43 PM
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  • One day, a lady went to a garage sale and saw this
    mirror against a wall. She looked at it for a while and
    decided to purchase it. The lady, who was running the
    garage sale, told her that it was a magic mirror. She
    took it home and put it on the inside of her closet door.
    Her husband came home from work and she told him
    she bought a new mirror. They were getting ready for
    bed and she excused herself from the bed and told him
    that she would be right back. She went over to the
    closet door and stood in front of the mirror and said,
    “Mirror, mirror, on the door, make my breasts a 44″.
    All of a sudden, kaboom…she’s a 44.
    She crawled into bed and her husband was just so
    amazed and pleased at what had happened that he
    asked how she did it. She told him that the mirror was
    actually a magic mirror. He laughed and asked where it
    was. Going over to the closet, he opens the door and
    stands in front of the mirror…naked. Smiling, he says:
    “Mirror, mirror, on the door, make my manhood touch
    the floor.”
    All of a sudden, kaboom…his legs fell off.